
attractive 18-hole disc golf course at Marilla Park

Mayor Jimmie Lansford said the council will wait and see how fundraising goes before any final decisions are produced for the amount of holes. The city is just not funding the project. Streator Township High School graduates Adam Chismar and Jesse Spraggon are heading a bunch to improve an estimated $10,000 for 18 holes.

When there is enough interest to compliment a nine-hole course, the initial nine holes could be constructed, after which a conclusion might be made with regards to the next nine. David Fussell, the city's public works director, approved the 18-hole design.

Nagle said a wait-and-see approach is probably not the simplest way to determine the course's potential Taylormade Rocketballz Irons popularity. Town Council has expressed wish for the disc course to create tourism and activity to the park.

"I can't locate many people originating from out-of-town to learn just nine holes, even when it is just a nice layout," said Nagle, who designed the course for free. "(With nine) you'd get a good amount of players from Streator who wish to come and view out. An 18-hole course would be an attraction, I understand players through the state that would learn about Streator and make a outing than it."

Nagle used two examples inside the Streator area to make his case.

In Pontiac, an 18-hole course opened last summer at Chautauqua Park. The course is usually flat and has an 18th hole played across the Vermilion River. They have hosted one tournament for competitive players and will host another in April.

Even though the Pontiac parks department does not record attendance, recreation supervisor Chris Harms said the park is popular. The parks and recreation office estimates it sells four disc sets per month.

"When it's nice out, you are able to drive on the market to see one or more group at all times," Harms said.

At Illinois Valley College, a nine-hole course opened really. Nine holes counseled me space allowed on the campus. The course plans on hosting its first tournament to increase money for concrete tees. It currently has grass tee areas.

Course supervisor and IVCC instructor Wes Black does record attendance but said three other groups made up of about 15 players were around the course Friday afternoon when he spoken with ping g15 driver The periods. He said attendance is mixed between college students and townspeople.

"We don't attract too with just nine holes," Black said. "It's a lot like (traditional) golf, in case you are gonna travel, you want to go where there's 18. There's 30 (disc golf) courses within 100 miles now."

Nagle is convinced his design could be among the best due to hills at Marilla. The majority of the courses he's designed have been getting flat land. He designed the first nine holes for beginners as well as the second nine for skilled players looking for a challenge.

"People will probably be discussing No. 15 throughout the state," Nagle said. "A 60-foot hole having a dog leg."

The town Council expressed concern about 18 holes potentially taking on an excessive amount of space at Marilla. The course would contain 18 baskets spanning across approximately 6,000 feet.

If tournaments are discount golf clubs scheduled, it could bring hundreds towards the park. However, the course could be shut down to host other events such as an automobile show. The style avoids the park's shelter areas.

The game is played like traditional golf, except the goal is to throw a flying disc in a very basket goal at all level of throws.

